It has come to our attention that scammers are sending fraudulent messages via WhatsApp, impersonating recruiters and recruitment companies, including Cedar. These messages often promote fake job opportunities and attempt to extract personal information from recipients (find more details about these scams here).

These scams operate similarly to phishing emails or texts pretending to be from banks or mobile providers, aiming to steal personal data or compromise your information.

We urge our candidates to remain vigilant against these scams targeting job seekers. Fraudsters may approach you with fabricated job offers to gather your personal details or request payments.

If you are contacted on WhatsApp or Telegram by someone claiming to represent Cedar and suspect it to be a phishing attempt or scam, please block the sender and report the issue. You can forward such messages to 7726, a free reporting service provided by mobile operators.

To protect yourself, here are some tips for spotting phishing messages:

  • Unexpected contact or messages.
  • The sender uses an unknown number or email address.
  • Links within the message – do not click them.
  • Offers that seem too good to be true, such as unrealistic salaries.
  • Requests for money or personal details, like your CV.
  • Poorly written messages with spelling or grammar mistakes.

To find out more information on how to spot phishing messages and what action to take on the Action Fraud website, please see:

Please remember that Cedar operates professionally and will never make suspicious requests. We sincerely thank those who have reported this scam and provided evidence. If you have any concerns or wish to report anything directly, please contact your assigned Cedar consultant via the website.